.. meta:: :description: ECS Compose-X AWS Cognito UserPool syntax reference :keywords: AWS, AWS ECS, Docker, Compose, docker-compose, AWS Cognito .. attention:: This module only allows to perform lookup to an exising userpool at the moment. The only integration is with :ref:`elbv2_syntax_reference` listener properties. Raise a feature request if you need further integrations. .. _cognito_userpool_syntax_reference: ====================== x-cognito_userpool ====================== .. code-block:: yaml x-cognito_userpool: userpool-with-saml: Lookup: Tags: - application: kafdrop - saml_provider: someone Examples ========= .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Example with x-elbv2 for ALB integration. This is taken from a real use-case. x-cognito_userpool: kafdrop-pool: Lookup: Tags: - application: kafdrop x-elbv2: kafdrop-cc-scAlb: Settings: Subnets: PublicSubnets Properties: Scheme: internet-facing Type: application MacroParameters: Ingress: ExtSources: - IPv4: Name: ANY Description: ANY Listeners: - Port: 80 Protocol: HTTP DefaultActions: - Redirect: HTTP_TO_HTTPS - Port: 443 Protocol: HTTPS SslPolicy: ELBSecurityPolicy-FS-1-2-Res-2020-10 Certificates: - x-acm: kafdrop-certs Targets: - name: akhq:akhq-nginx access: / CreateCognitoClient: UserPoolId: kafdrop-pool GenerateSecret: true AllowedOAuthScopes: - email - profile - openid AllowedOAuthFlows: - code CallbackURLs: - https://kafdropmydomain.net/oauth2/idpresponse DefaultRedirectURI: https://kafdropmydomain.net/oauth2/idpresponse EnableTokenRevocation: true ExplicitAuthFlows: - ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH - ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH AccessTokenValidity: 1 RefreshTokenValidity: 1 AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient: true WriteAttributes: - email - family_name - given_name - name - nickname - profile ReadAttributes: - email - family_name - given_name - name - nickname - profile SupportedIdentityProviders: - AzureSSO AuthenticateCognitoConfig: OnUnauthenticatedRequest: authenticate Scope: openid SessionCookieName: kafdrop SessionTimeout: 3600 Services: - name: akhq:akhq-nginx port: 443 protocol: HTTPS healthcheck: 443:HTTPS:4:2:10:5:200:/health x-acm: kafdrop-certs: MacroParameters: DomainNames: - kafdropmydomain.net JSON Schema ============ Model ----------------- .. jsonschema:: ../../../ecs_composex/cognito_userpool/x-cognito_userpool.spec.json Definition ------------ .. literalinclude:: ../../../ecs_composex/cognito_userpool/x-cognito_userpool.spec.json :language: json