Source code for ecs_composex.resources_import

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# Copyright 2020-2022 John Mille <>

Module to import CFN Resources defined by their properties

from __future__ import annotations

from inspect import isfunction

from compose_x_common.compose_x_common import keyisset, keypresent
from troposphere import AWSHelperFn, AWSObject, AWSProperty, Tags

[docs]def skip_if(resource, prop_attr) -> bool: """ Helper function to skip when conditions are not met to link one resource to another. :param resource: :param prop_attr: :return: """ if not prop_attr: return True prop_attr_value = getattr(prop_attr[0], prop_attr[1]) if not isinstance(prop_attr_value, str): return True if not prop_attr_value.startswith(resource.module.res_key): return True if not in prop_attr_value.split(resource.module.res_key)[-1]: return True return False
[docs]def get_dest_resource_nested_property( properties_path: str, dest_resource: AWSObject | AWSProperty ) -> tuple | None: """ Function that will return the :param properties_path: :param dest_resource: :return: """ parts = properties_path.split(r"::", 1) if not hasattr(dest_resource, parts[0]): return None if parts[0] != parts[-1]: return get_dest_resource_nested_property( parts[-1], getattr(dest_resource, parts[0]) ) return dest_resource, parts[-1]
[docs]def handle_list(properties, property_class): """ Function to handle list properties :param property_class: :param properties: :return: """ rendered_properties = [] for property_definition in properties: if not isinstance(property_definition, (str, int, float, bool)): record = import_record_properties(property_definition, property_class) _property = property_class(**record) rendered_properties.append(_property) else: rendered_properties.append(property_definition) return rendered_properties
[docs]def import_non_functions( props, prop_name, top_class, properties, set_to_novalue, ignore_missing ): """ Function to set property for flat object or recursive to sub properties :param dict props: :param str prop_name: :param top_class: :param dict properties: :param bool set_to_novalue: :param bool ignore_missing: """ if ( prop_name == "Tags" and top_class.props[prop_name][0] == Tags and isinstance(properties[prop_name], list) ): props[prop_name] = Tags( **dict({_tag.values() for _tag in properties[prop_name]}) ) if isinstance(properties[prop_name], AWSHelperFn): props[prop_name] = properties[prop_name] elif isinstance(properties[prop_name], (str, int, float, tuple)) or top_class.props[ prop_name ][0] in ( str, int, float, ): if top_class.props[prop_name][0] in (str, int, float): props[prop_name] = top_class.props[prop_name][0](properties[prop_name]) else: props[prop_name] = properties[prop_name] elif isinstance(properties[prop_name], dict): try: if issubclass(top_class.props[prop_name][0], AWSProperty): sub_props = import_record_properties( properties[prop_name], top_class.props[prop_name][0], set_to_novalue, ignore_missing_required=ignore_missing, ) props[prop_name] = top_class.props[prop_name][0](**sub_props) else: props[prop_name] = properties[prop_name] except TypeError: props[prop_name] = properties[prop_name]
[docs]def import_record_properties( properties, top_class, set_to_novalue=False, ignore_missing_required=True, ignore_missing_sub_required=False, ): """ Generic function importing the RecordSet properties. If the property was not defined, it is either left empty or set to AWS::NoValue For inner recursive, we enforce check on required properties. :param dict properties: :param top_class: The class we are going to import properties for :param bool set_to_novalue: Instead of skipping the property, actively set to AWS::NoValue :param bool ignore_missing_required: Whether raise an error when missing an essential key. :param bool ignore_missing_sub_required: Whether raise an error when missing an essential key in sub properties :return: The properties for the RecordSet :rtype: dict """ props = {} for prop_name in top_class.props: if not keypresent(prop_name, properties) and not top_class.props[prop_name][1]: continue elif ( not keypresent(prop_name, properties) and top_class.props[prop_name][1] and not ignore_missing_required ): raise KeyError( f"Property {prop_name} is required for the definition of {top_class}" ) elif keyisset(prop_name, properties) and isinstance( top_class.props[prop_name][0], list ): props[prop_name] = handle_list( properties[prop_name], top_class.props[prop_name][0][0] ) elif keypresent(prop_name, properties) and isfunction( top_class.props[prop_name][0] ): try: props[prop_name] = top_class.props[prop_name][0](properties[prop_name]) except Exception as error: if isinstance(error.args[-1], type) and issubclass( error.args[-1], AWSProperty ): props[prop_name] = error.args[-1]( **import_record_properties( properties[prop_name], error.args[-1] ) ) else: props[prop_name] = properties[prop_name] elif keypresent(prop_name, properties) and not isfunction( properties[prop_name] ): import_non_functions( props, prop_name, top_class, properties, set_to_novalue, ignore_missing_sub_required, ) elif keypresent(prop_name, properties): props[prop_name] = properties[prop_name] return props
[docs]def find_aws_resources_in_template_resources(root_stack, resource_types) -> list: """ Function looking for resources in the stack template that are of the type we are looking for. :param ComposeXStack root_stack: :param tuple(AWSObject) resource_types: the AWSObject resources types we are looking for. :return: List of resources of the given type :rtype: list """ resources = [] if not root_stack or not hasattr(root_stack, "stack_template"): return resources for r_name, resource in root_stack.stack_template.resources.items(): if not issubclass(type(resource), AWSObject): continue if issubclass(type(resource), AWSObject) and isinstance( resource, resource_types ): resources.append(resource) return resources
[docs]def find_aws_properties_in_aws_resource( property_type_to_find, resource_properties, found_properties=None ) -> list: """ :param property_type_to_find: :param dict resource_properties: :param list found_properties: :return: """ if isinstance(resource_properties, AWSObject): return find_aws_properties_in_aws_resource( property_type_to_find, ) if found_properties is None: found_properties = [] if isinstance(resource_properties, property_type_to_find): found_properties.append(resource_properties) elif isinstance(resource_properties, dict): for r_property in resource_properties.values(): if isinstance(r_property, property_type_to_find): found_properties.append(r_property) elif isinstance(r_property, list): for sub_property in r_property: find_aws_properties_in_aws_resource( property_type_to_find, sub_property, found_properties ) elif issubclass(type(r_property), AWSProperty): find_aws_properties_in_aws_resource( property_type_to_find, ) return found_properties